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Arkay Sales Uk

well-designed products for everyday problems.


Our best selling products

At Arkay Sales UK we believe innovation breeds excellence. We pride ourselves on finding imaginative and well-designed solutions to everyday problems.

Our mulberry silk-lined mattress is tested and designed to give you everything you need to sleep – coolness -comfort and not forgetting unrivalled support, nothing compares to silk. So we’ve rolled it up, popped it in a box ready to share the secret of silk.


Clean hard-to-reach surfaces with our easy,  quick-drying cleaning device, leaving your surfaces clean, dry and streak-free almost immediately!
The safekey pouch from Arkay Sales protects your keys from criminal signal boosting devices. This key pouch creates a Faraday cage around anything that is sealed inside its lined pouch. Travel in safety with our stylish and practical key protection.